Friday, August 27, 2010

To float with the clouds!

I finally made it out for a bike ride along the Canal in Bath this evening. I've been meaning to do this all week but it's been pouring rain for most of it. Today, however, was stunning!

Originally I went out early afternoon on a friends cycle but ended up completely off track and checking out the dodgy river instead. Then I went the wrong direction completely while looking for the right path. I now know to ask for help when lost:)

I gave up quite quickly, I guess I was a bit frustrated with myself. I was able to go to this great guitar shop in town though instead. Mim, one of the beauties that I'm staying with here, was looking for one to buy for her upcoming birthday so I tagged along. I also had the joy of trying a ferrero rocher milkshake - so yummy!

All these detours eventually led me back to the canal. I just couldn't give up on it all together and now that I think of it getting lost earlier was the best thing because it helped me to find what I was looking for at just the right time. Sunset! Hmm, probably good to note for searching out more than just canals!

Anyways, not only was the sun going down to sleep while the moon was rising to wake, but there were hot air balloons just floating with the clouds. For some strange reason this made my heart leap. As I was overlooking this glorious city at dusk with the huge red balloon carrying passengers in the sky I felt so safe. There was something about people in a balloon that wouldn't pop that made the world seem so small and yet large, it was suddenly a place that wasn't unattainable to see anymore. I knew in my heart that I was home, in God; I belong somewhere, even better to someone, and it didn't matter that I was miles away from where I spent the previous 24 years of my life. I knew in that moment that home is being where He is. My heart was at ease, resting, under the shadow of God's gigantic wings in the sky while strangers were soaring through them. I got lost to be found.

I realize that locals from Bath see this sight quite often and that the hot air balloons are probably normal. I looked like such a foreigner as I was just standing there on a bench, amused by the sight as people passed me by looking wary. I didn't care though because to me it was perfect.

I know that when I get back to Toronto there's a lot of stuff waiting for me. Some of which can be weighty at times but all of which I find joy in as well. I guess I just don't want to be so much of a local that I miss out on floating with the clouds.