Anyways when I arrived in Bath on Monday I was zonked and yet still managed to make it out to the pub with some friends for a pint. Then Tuesday was full of just getting to know Bath, since I’m going to be there until almost the end of my trip I figured a gentle introduction was necessary. I quickly understood why everyone raves about it; it’s truly lovely! Wed. I was off again, hopped on a train to Cardiff, Wales but was heading more into the country to visit the wonderful Lois and Jr. I have been so incredibly blessed to stay with such amazing families and people while visiting this place. It makes it tough to just leave and go on to the next place really.
Anyways, when I arrived I was shown to my room full of super comfy cushions where I became well acquainted within the first few minutes as I drifted into a deep REM sleep for a couple hours. The nights in Wales were filled with good food, very tastey wine (well except for the one from Salt – to gamy) and great conversation. The full day that I was there however I manage to borrow some rain gear and boots to go gallivanting in the mountainous hills of Merthyr Tydfil. It was gorgeous. I spent the afternoon walking with God in silence, in complete awe of creation, well aware that at any point nature could close in on me or the storm that was rolling in could sweep me away in the waves of the reservoir but that I was wrapped up in the centre of love so no matter what I was safe. It was far away from the comforts of city life that I’ve grown so accustomed to these past few years but a beautiful reminder.
Then this morning before I trekked back to Cardiff to catch my afternoon train I spent the morning in a salon getting a pedicure, getting a massage after yesterdays long hike and having my toes painted a sleek dark purple of which I had to cover up with my stockings after. In a way it was sad to hide such fresh feet but there was a joy in walking down the road knowing that under my muddy black shoes were some very pretty toes. Wow, that was a moment that I think only a girl could enjoy. I felt very close to my femininity this morning walking to the train station. Perhaps it was the sensation after adventuring through the woods, having a long bath with bubbles, a facial and then being pampered in the salon that did it; the perfect combination of messy meets pristine.
It reminded me in a bit of the days when mom would put me in a dress to go out somewhere special but then I would go out to play in the back yard for just a few minutes and somehow manage to spoil my outfit and yet I was so pleased by the sense of accomplishment I felt with my daringness in the yard.
I’ve decided that this is how I want to live. I don’t want to have to choose between city and woods. I want them both and I wont settle for less. I’m not too sure how this will work out yet but I’ve managed to have a glimpse of it with living in High Park. And since it’s from glory to glory, I’ll wait for the best…
In everything!
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