This hit me hard today though and as I was sitting in a 4 hour seminar listening to our wonderful development theories, going back and forth on all the possible biases, I realized I'm in an educational incubator and missing the need going on around me, like Haiti for instance. Isn't it ironic that we're going over all the past mistakes of history, trying to prepare for them so we don't mess up again and then a disaster hits that we couldn't account for and many of the future workers are all sitting inside a classroom still discussing the discourse. Wouldn't we learn more if we just collaborated together and did something about the disaster at hand, right now, rather that rolling over the same depressing issues of old.
This is definitely a bit of a rant and less of a well put together piece of writing, however, after this week it's needed!
When I woke up this morning I took about 15 minutes just to chill with God. Sadly, that's about all the extra time I can spare right now. Yet of coarse God still met me in my crazy schedule and reminded me this:
While knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens and edifies." 1 Corinthians 8:1b
Now it's interesting because it doesn't say that knowledge is bad, it says that it makes us feel important, which also implies that being important doesn't relate to knowledge, rather it's a simple fact of identity. YOU ARE IMPORTANT! Not because of how much or what you know but because you are, you matter. The unfortunate part is that people don't believe this because today we spend so much time attaining knowledge, getting our qualifications and gold stars rather than just loving people. Again learning isn't bad, it's actually a really good thing but I think Paul was warning us here that although something may make us feel something great, like important, what will actually sustain us is love, beyond just a feeling, but to know intimately and be known.
Anyways this was still on my heart from this morning and was filtering into my thoughts before bed so I decided to share my rant.
What do you think about the whole knowledge/love thing?
I totally agree, that love will always trump knowledge, we die a slow death without Love's nutrients, an essential source Heaven sent.